Friday 15 April 2011

Who am I ???

Hmmmm For now, I dont know what to do with this blogg.... Always when I start writing it just looks like an Diary... and maby it will stay like that... I dont know. Maby I should use it for my thoughts and dreams, maby its just gonna be a "Bluahhhh" with everything and I start al over... again!
One thing is for shure. I trying to learn abit more english during my typing, so sorry for bad spelling or realy bad gramms. Please leave a note if it looks realy crappy so I know and can learn ;)

Maby I should write down who I am, what I do and stuff....

so here I goes, starting with my online char Neima;

My name is not Neima, not in real life that is. My real name is Katarina. But I kinda grow into my online name, Neima. Therefor I like to use it ;)

It all started a few years back when my brothers got me hitched by an online game named World of warcraft.... (WoW)  . I was a single mum with a small kid and therefor I was home alone ALOT. The evenings was always boring and I was stuck in my apartment when my kid went to sleep. So... I started playing this Wow-thingy and had no idea of what I was doing. Lol. My first char was a nightelve- hunter and I got stuck at lvl 40 I think. BORED!
I heard about a new race in burning crusades :dranei. Wanted atleast try it out and I did. I picked a dranei, wondering what class I would be... ended up as an Huntress. Name... hmmm what would I call her... (so typical me) Tryed alot of names but nothing realy felt "me". I wanted something from me and from the race Dranei. Played with the lethers and woulah! Neima was born. Nei = DraNEI   ma = MAmma (mother in swedish)

Started to play... and just LOVED it! the new places, new quests. The music... everything just was so me ;) Had some IRL friends on same server and got a spot in the same Guild they were in. A friendly and lovely guild calld Memento Mori. I lvled up and become a raider.I was hocked on the game, that for shure !

Then one sadly day Memo was falling apart and I thought this would be the end of my online gaming, and my social side. But was asked if I wanted a new home... Alot of old memos was already in that guild so I said yes. The new guild ;Vanilla, was feeling like a home from day one! But I was in a way starting to be tired on my draneis look.
With Cataclysm, the last update in the game a new race was born on the alliance side.......
(I did a racechange...)
Went out in the woods one night, hunting some creapy wolfs. My pet, "Demon" a red eyed cat was running ahead of me and suddenly something came out and hit my legs.... I was bitten but couldnt see what it was, The animal... or demon or what ever, was gone same minute it had bit me. At the next ful moon... I was no longer a dranei............. I had turn into a Worgen!

and now. who is Katarina then? Well... I am a single mum with a lovely son.

Working as an Personal assistent with a kid with special needs. On my free time (when son sleeps for the night) Im still hocked to the game Wow ;) I also paint some... and watch alot on movies.... (damn I must be boring!)

I dont get out mutch becouse I dont want to bug my mum, dad or brothers to take care of my son for an evening or two.( only askes for babysits if i need to work or something likeweise)
But that maby changes someday if I meet the right one and getting out for an date.... Omg! that just sounded like I was 15 again. out on a date! I am actuly turning 30 next year. scary!

I am a shy girl and have a bit dificulty to conect to other people, Therefor I am happy to have my online friends (hopefully gonna meet a few of them later this year)

I have 2 cats too. One black and one baby siamese. This Blog probebly gonna be afected by those two alot! ;)

hm something I missed out??? well ask and I will try answer. ;)

                                                                      hugs and kisses //Neima

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